Grim Dawn: Duncan or Angrim - Gamer Of Passion (2024)

Grim Dawn: Duncan or Angrim

Grim Dawn: Duncan or Angrim - Gamer Of Passion (1)

If you have just started playing Grim Dawn and are currently going through the first Act, moving through the Burrwitch Outskirts, chances are you will eventually have to decide between Duncan or Angrim.

If the fear of picking the wrong choice induces mild anxiety to you, as it does to me, fear no more and read on. I will explain the advantages of each smith and give you tips on deciding as well as a general answer.


Grim Dawn: Duncan or Angrim - Gamer Of Passion (2)

Of the two, you will meet Duncan in the Burrwitch Outskirts first who will also tell you about Angrim. Talking to him will initiate the quest “Tale Of Two Blacksmiths” as Duncan tells you that his Master Angrim left the camp and took the forging hammer Malleum Menhir with him. Duncan will ask you to retrieve this hammer as it is required for him to make proper gear.

Duncan’s main forging skills are of the Arcane nature. He uses Arcane Forging to empower the crafted gear with one of the following stats:

  • Increases Energy Regeneration by8-16%
  • +4-12Defensive Ability
  • +2-4%Physique

Additionally, you will be able to craft a few low-level Rare pieces:

  • Adept’s Bladed Mace
  • Glyphed Archive
  • Double-Barrel Pistol
  • Occult Horn

As the description already suggests, Arcane forging means that Duncan is more of a caster-friendly smith and as such, is more relevant for these types of builds.


As mentioned above, Angrim is the Master who has left to go towards the Burrwitch Outskirts and is seeking the Black Legion to become their armorer. He has the hammer that Duncan seeks and once you find him, you can decide on whether you take the hammer to bring it back to Duncan and thus have him as your smith in Devil’s Crossing, or if you choose Angrim instead.

You can either convince him to hand you the hammer peacefully or kill him for it depending on the dialogue options you pick.

Angrim’s main forging skill is the Practiced Skill. His crafted items have one of the following boons:

  • 3-7%Pierce Resistance
  • Increases Armor by2-4%
  • +2-4%Physique

Additionally, he will have the following low-level Rare items as crafting options

  • Honed Longsword
  • Brutal Great Axe
  • Rotating Rifle
  • Battle Shield

Angrim is the kind of smith that works best with physical builds like the Blitz Warlord Build. Additionally, he offers Pierce resistance which is quite useful in lategame because there are multiple situations where you might miss that last little bit on Pierce resistance. There probably aren’t a ton of situations where you would heavily rely on the crafted rares, but they can be an added bonus for your build if its physical.

Angrim or Duncan?

The short answer is: Pick Duncan if you lean towards a caster and pick Angrim if your build is more physical.

The long answer is a little bit more difficult but boils down to the choice actually not really mattering. You see, the way Grim Dawn works is that once you beat the whole story, you can start out at the beginning again, only in a higher difficulty (called Elite). This means you can take any choice you made before and just choose the different path this time. You can also switch between Norma, Elite and Ultimate difficulty effectively giving you access to both smiths if you really want to.

One more point, which probably might even weigh heavier is the fact that these two smiths are not the only smiths in the world of Grim Dawn and you will meet plenty of other blacksmiths who will give you other kinds of bonuses that often times are more impactful than the ones of Angrim or Duncan.

The XP choice

One other factor that you might consider whenever having to decide between Angrim and Duncan is if you favor a medium XP bonus over any other later smithing questions.

Angrim XP Duncan XP

Once you finish the quest “Tale of Two Blacksmiths” you get a different amount of XP depending on who you side with on normal difficulty. While the amount is not gigantic, it can have a little bit of an impact and definitely be a deciding factor particularly if you do not need the blacksmith services in the near future. So if XP is all you care about, pick Duncan for the 450 XP bonus.


So while it does not actually matter in the end, it is good to know why exactly this is the case and how you can still derive some sort of value from choosing either Angrim or Duncan. Of course, there is also the RP element that is completely subjective and thus was not discussed in this guide. Ultimately, I urge you to simply try out both choices (which is applicable to all Grim Dawn quest choices) and simply see the difference for yourself, either with a new character or once you reach Elite difficulty.

Grim Dawn: Duncan or Angrim - Gamer Of Passion (2024)


What is the difference between Angrim and Duncan? ›

Both Angrim and Duncan are highly talented blacksmiths, though while Duncan is very capable of weaving magical properties into forged equipment, Angrim prefers to make weapons and armor excelling in raw strength.

Does it matter which blacksmith you choose Grim Dawn? ›

Each can apply different bonus stats to the equipment he crafts, and also offer differing exclusive low-level Rare items for crafting. This makes the choice meaningful and relevant to the build and class of the player; generally speaking, Angrim caters to melee and ranged characters, while Duncan benefits casters.

What is the best blacksmith bonus in Grim Dawn? ›

I personally prefer choosing angrim(the older guy). The %armor bonus which he can give to crafted gear is really good for end game. Angrim's %armor bonus is pretty much the best bonus in the game, barring situational cases for certain builds. Is it possible to choose Duncan without killing Angrim?

Where is Duncan Grim Dawn? ›

Duncan is a blacksmith located in the Burrwitch Outskirts. Following a disagreement with him, his master Angrim left their camp to find the Black Legion and become their armorer.

Where is Angrim Grim Dawn? ›

Angrim can be found in a secluded area some way to the east of the Burrwitch Outskirts riftgate. Talking to him will present you with several dialogue options. Side with Duncan. You can either talk Angrim into handing over the Malleum Menhir or fight and kill him for it.

Do choices matter in Grim Dawn? ›

The choice affects the events of the Forgotten Gods expansion slightly.

When to choose second class Grim Dawn? ›

At level 10, you will have the option of selecting a second Mastery to complement your initial choice, creating a Dual-Class character.

What is the level cap in Grim Dawn? ›

The level cap is 85, increased to 100 with the Ashes of Malmouth expansion. At levels 2 through 50, you earn 3 skill points per level. At levels 51 through 90, you earn 2 skill points per level. Levels 91 and up earn 1 skill point per level.

Do enemies scale Grim Dawn? ›

Enemies have always scaled in the game; just slightly differently in the latest patch probably because of the change to make it possible for people to get up to L100 in Normal or Elite difficulties. As Medea said, this has already been the case. Removing enemy scaling will disrupt the game in many ways.

Is there a stash in Grim Dawn? ›

The Item Stash is an extension of a character's inventory and can be used to store items which aren't immediately needed by the character. Items stored in the Item Stash can be accessed from any Smuggler in the game. The Item Transfer area is an inventory space which makes items available to all a player's characters.

Can you respec in Grim Dawn? ›

apart from the masteries, you can respec everything ingame nowadays. you need to own both DLCs though. if you wanna change masteries, you need those tools mentioned above.

Where can I get Dynamite Grim Dawn? ›

Locations. Additional Dynamite can be found randomly in Scrap Piles in Mines and the Outlaw camps atop the Four Hills. The Unique Boss "Moneybags" Martin may also drop Dynamite when slain.

Should I give the Blacksmith my divine ember? ›

Nothing will happen except now he can modify Divine weapons for you now. Try upgrading a weapon to +5. From there, he'll be able to transcend that weapon into a divine weapon. There's no reason to regret giving it to him, since there's no other use for the divine ember anyway.

Should I use shield or offhand Grim Dawn? ›

Off-hand or Focus items are implements intended for spellcasters. They occupy the left-hand "shield" gear slot on a character, however unlike shields they provide no defenses.

How does the Blacksmith work in Grim Dawn? ›

Once the Blacksmith is unlocked, Blueprints and Recipes can be used to craft new items. The Blacksmith also has a repertoire of items he can craft immediately, without the need for Recipes or Blueprints. This includes Relics, difficult to acquire Components, and random weapons, armor and accessories.

Does armor matter in Grim Dawn? ›

Armor in Grim Dawn is localized. This means that when you receive a hit from an enemy, the game first rolls to see which armor slot will take the damage. It is thus important to be well equipped in all armor slots.

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